We stayed our 3 full-planned, beloved days at Hotel Chopin, a charming little hotel located in the small passage Jouffroy, right near the Grands Boulevards. Lovely decorated, welcoming classical music playing in the hallways and great service. I really recommend Hotel Chopin for a short stay in Paris.
Although I didn’t think the whole multiple pages long - ok, actually multiple novels long - list to-do could all have been visited, we yet succeeded to do almost everything that stood on the priority list…
One thing I really wanted to do, was to visit L’as du Falafel.
When I read about it on David Lebovitz’s site, I immediately started to crave. And I can tell you; it is really so good. My saliva production is running up by just seeing the pictures...
Imagine a fresh, soft pita crammed with the best, delicious, hot and crispy chick-pea balls, a generous amount of delicious marinated red and white cabbage, soft aubergine, some fresh slices of cucumber, hummus and the best garlic sauce that isn’t too strong, over dominated or thick at all. That’s L’as du Falafel. There’s no doubt; L’as du Falafel is toujours imite jamais egale. (always imitated, never equalled)

Another culinary highlight was going to G. Detou and La Grande Epicerie.
G. Detou is a beautiful, little, old and dusty epicerie with the most diverged professional baking supplies. And what about some caramels au beurre sale from Bretagne, or the best blue pigment? (I have a fabulous chocolate layer cake with blue frosting in mind for it’s first project…)
La Grande Epicerie Paris is a gigantic, wonderful culinary shopping Walhalla. I could spend a whole day just looking at everything, walking a bit among the display-windows with fresh pasta and little anti-pasta bites, the bread section, tea and coffee, and the stock of mysterious little pots and jars. Even the meat section looks good and appealing here. So you can understand I couldn’t leave without a little extra something. I got a package of super cute little purple and pink biscuits, that look a bit like mini macarons and I found coloured sugar that I can’t wait to use…

L'As du Falafel
34, rue des Rosiers (Marais)
Tel: 01 48 87 63 60
Closed Friday evening and Saturday for Sabbat
G. Detou
58, rue Tiquetonne
Tel: 01 42 36 54 67
La Grande Epicerie Paris
38, Rue de Sèvres
Tel : 01 44 39 83 47
Sorry your trip had to end.
Hi Julia, I envy you. What a glorious time you had! Thank you for such a beautiful reminder of the charms of Paris.
I am glad you had such a good trip! I can't wait to make a stop at G.Detou when I got home for Christmas. I love Pere Leon colored sugar as well as their falvored vinegars.
I have to stand for my hometown: Aix en Provence may not be Paris but the food is incredible down there!
Julia, I just came back from a short holiday too, so I can totally relate to the type of 'how I hoped I lived there' feeling. Looking forward to Part 2 or even 3 of Paris write-up :)
Glad you ate well, bien sur, in Paris...everything looks just delicious...
You have had a great break in Paris! Very cool!!
We went there once when used to live in UK and visited Euro Disney. Kids you know..cannot escape from that..:))
Have fun, Julia!
I'm so jealous! I hope to visit Paris again soon! Happy Halloween :-)
Found you through David L's website. J'adore Paris. Was there twice last year (very unusual, not the norm) for my 3rd and 4th visits and wish I could go twice per year every year.
There is no way around it, it is a city not to be missed on one's travel wish list. I love love love it. Thanks for reminding me why I do!
Hoi Julia,
Fresh back from Paris and already a fantastic report on the city of lights culinary delights. Nice! I want to go too, with my list of 50 addresses and do some serious tasting. Can't wait for your chocolate report and your layer cake with blue icing.
Oh my gosh Julia, that pito roll-up is the BEST I've ever seen! Yes, please do show us the master Pierre Herme later!
I thought that Paris was incredible after my first trip there this past summer. Any city that takes a couple hours for lunch every day is just groovay with me :D
Hi Peabody - yes, me too…:(
Hi Natalia, haha - thanks for your sweet comment! And there is still so much more…
Your welcome S - and I’d be happy to do it again! ;)
Hi Helene, oh no, I haven’t tried their vinegars (!) thanks, will definitely remember it. Aix en Provence are also high on my list to visit, but beating Paris? Hmm…that I can’t say!
I can understand the good food part- haha, especially when you’re cooking (!) ;)
Hi Angie - yes, I’m not alone! I really enjoyed reading your Hong Kong write-up (part 1) as well; WOW! Food paradise! (after (my) Paris of course…;))
Hi David - yes, it was great. Too bad I had to leave…
Hi Asha! Haha, yes - I’ve been as well to Euro Disney when I was little - those cute spinning teacups are the best!
Happy Halloween to you too Nicole! (a bit late…)
Did you had a good (scary) time?
Hi Lu - welcome to Tasting Life! ;)
I totally agree with everything you wrote - how cool would it be if there was an official ‘visit-Paris break?? *sigh*
Thanks Marieke! Yes, it was so amazing…and that 50 addresses list was so great and handy - indeed incredible places. Too bad I haven’t been to all of them yet… do hope you go!
Hi Gattina, voila! The post is posted! ;)
And boy, yes I still dream about that falafel…
Hi Wheresmymind, haha - indeed! There is of course lots of cultural and shopping to do in Paris but with all that great food it’s really from meal to meal and from patisserie to patisserie…;)
Thank you so much everybody for the sweet comments - I really appreciate it! =)
I went to L'As du Falafel today! :D (Or last night, rather.) I liked it, but it wasn't the best I've had. Delicious and filling though; what else can I ask for? The eggplant and veggies were particularly yummy. Mmm. And remember, its LENNY KRAVITZ APPROVED (aside from David Lebovitz approved)! (Did you see that sticker thing on the window? Lenny Kravitz gets his own sticker!? Hahaha.)
OMG Robyn!! not the best??
you got to tell what is the best then! heaven?
I didn't see the sticker, nice to know! =)
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